What You Can Do…
Here are some other ideas and ways in which you can help
raise funds for the Winton Bear Foundation.
- Organise your own fundraising event for the Foundation. This can be anything from a coffee morning to a sponsored event and everything in-between! We’ve listed some more ideas below.
- Get your school or class involved in a fundraising event – some ideas are: teacher-pupil matches, sponsored events, car washes etc. Have a ‘Books for Bears’ week and get everyone to bring in their old books to exchange for cash.
- At your workplace, ask if they have a matched giving scheme, hold a dress-down day, or even put a collecting box at your reception (just get in touch and we’ll send you one).
- Be ambitious… check out the Guinness Book of Records and ‘Break a record for the Bears‘! Be sure to let us know what you’re doing!
- Have a good clear-out and take your old jumble and bric-a-brac to the shops that pay for these items and donate the proceeds to the Winton Bear Foundation – here’s a website that will even pick them up for you www.we-pay.eu.
- If your clear-out includes going through your old CD’s and DVD’s, you can sell them through Music Magpie and send the proceeds to us.
- You can even fundraise for us while you’re shopping! If you go to our page on the Easy Fundraising site, you can ‘Shop till you drop’ and still help the bears – as a percentage of everything you buy will come to us!
- ‘Give as you earn’ – just decide how much to give each pay day.
- Simply make a donation and help fill up ‘The Honey Pot’ to enable us to help as many bears as possible.
- Ask about setting up a direct debit or standing order to make regular donations.
- Speak to your local shops, garages, community centres etc. and see if they will take a collecting can. Contact us with their details and we’ll send them a can.
- Save loose change – you’d be surprised how it mounts up!
- Please contact us to have a look at our current ‘Wish List’ to see if there is anything you can help with by means of funding or donation of skills. If you feel you can provide corporate support, sponsorship or gifts in kind in any way, please also get in touch. Have a look at our Business Buddies section to see how other businesses are helping.
Here are just some more fundraising ideas – let us know yours!…
Jumble sales, coffee mornings, car boot sales, dinner parties, selling things on eBay, sponsored silence, swim, walk etc, karaoke competition, quiz night, Teddy Bears Picnic, hold a Pampered Chef or Body Shop party and donate the proceeds.
And last but not least – spread the word – tell friends and family about the plight of bears and the work of the Foundation and refer them to our website and Facebook page.
Good luck and don’t forget to put the ‘Fun’ into FUNdraising!